Getting A Lawyer To Draft Your Will
Indeed, it is highly recommended to appoint a Wills lawyer in order to draft a will as it is quite a tedious and complicated task to be accomplished on own merits. Complications may also arise if the self-drafted Will fail to meet the necessary legal requirements.
Here are indeed certain guidelines that are to be followed while preparing the Will as mentioned by many legal experts in the country:
- The Will has to be drafted in writing.
- The Testator must be over 21 years of age and must have his/her signature as a footnote of the Will. If he/she is unable to draft the Will, instead the person who drafts the Will on his/her behalf must have his/her signature on the Will as well.
- The Testator must have at least two witnesses present while drafting the Will, whose signatures would also be present in the Will along with that of the Testator.
- It has to be made sure the witnesses as mentioned above must and should not be the beneficiary of the Will.

The Will do generally consist of the following (not necessarily in the same order):
- Detailed list of all of the available possessions.
- All sorts of liabilities and debts that would be required to be settled after the death.
- Details of the beneficiaries or the guardians of the Will if the beneficiaries are not of the age.
- The details of the person who would be responsible for executing the Will.
- Also, mention a residuary clause on how to distribute your wealth after the death. This can come handy in case the beneficiary.
- If this Will be an amendment of any prepared previously, then it is extremely important to nullify the previous one in order to make the current Will “valid”.
If There Are Disagreements
On The Will?
If someone is not content with the will he/she can submit an admonition in the court and then accordingly there will be probate proceedings taking place that will decide the fate of the Will –if it is still valid or not. If it has been declared invalid, then the property will be distributed according to the law of the land. However, the allegations have to be made on valid and strong proof or else it would not be accepted.
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